***We are pleased to announce the winners:
First prize: Nicole Romasco ( Colegiul Național ”Ion Creangă”, clasa a XI-a )
Second prize: Ionela Florentina Dendea ( Liceul Tehnologic ”Dimitrie Gusti”, clasa a XI-a)
Third prize: Alexandru- Ștefan Roșu-Lis ( Colegiul Național ”Ion Creangă”, clasa a XI-a)
Distinction: Ioana Domnica Apostol ( Liceul Tehnologic ”Dimitrie Gusti”, clasa a XI-a)
We will soon announce the award ceremony!
We are pleased to announce Humanities AND Social Sciences essay contest. We have chosen this idea for high school students with the intent to expand on their academis and critical thinking skills, as we consider these to be very useful for their personal as well as professional future development, an activity which could enrich their portfolios. Please find the rules, regulations and details below.
Students can choose from an array of subjects including Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Business, History, Geography when addressing the theme. A combination of arguments and solid scientific argumentation is encouraged and expected.
The essay should be written in English and edited using Times New Roman font, 12 font size, 1.5 spacing.
The essay should be at least 2000 characters and maximum 6000 characters long.
All essays should be sent in a non-editable PDF format.
Spelling and grammar rules of proper and correct English apply and will be considered in the evaluation.
Evaluation criteria:
- Addressing the proposed theme using valid arguments and consistent scientific examples.
- Citing and mentioning the sources of the research for the essay.
- Original ideas are of essence. Plagiarism is sanctioned and will result in elimination of the essay from the contest.
- Using proper and correct English.
- Respecting the minimum and maximum lenght of text recommended above.
- Students should enter the contest with only one essay.
All essays will be evaluated by 3 judges, chosen for their expertise in fields related to the topic/theme proposed. Preferably, each school joining the contest should appoint one judge for this, should they consider fit. Otherwise, in the absence of such proposals, Liceul International IOANID will appoint judges internally and release the result of the contest to each of the participant schools.
Proposals for judges can be sent via email at [email protected].
Eligibility: High School students may participate.
Deadline for registration: 15 february 2022.
Deadline for essay submission: 20 March 2022.
Deadline for evaluation and results: 31 March 2022.
All registration should be done by email at [email protected]. For any further information, feel free to contact me.
All essays should be sent by email at [email protected]. Each participant will receive a confirmation email.
All participants receive a certificate of attendance and the contest will award specifically the first 3 places/ essays. Details regarding the awards will be available and sent to participant schools until the date set as deadline for registration. The results of the contest and all prizes will be sent to each participant’s school respecting the above mentioned deadlines.
We wish all students the best of luck and great ideas!