Month: September 2018

The beginning of the 2018-2019 school year

Here we are again, embracing a new beginning! It is a special one, indeed, as it marks IOANID’s 10th year of offering our students a successful pathway, beautiful memories and friendships to last a lifetime! We would like to express our appreciation to all of you who are part of this beautiful community, students, parents [...]

Inceputul anului scolar 2018-2019

Iata-ne din nou in fata unui nou inceput! Un inceput special, intrucat marcheaza al 10-lea an in care IOANID ofera elevilor sai un drum de succes, amintiri frumoase si relatii de prietenie pentru o viata! Dorim sa va multumim tuturor celor ce fac parte din aceasta comunitate frumoasa, elevi, parinti si colegi si speram ca, [...]